Something That Is Repeated Over and Over Again Literary Term

Definition of Repetition

Repetition is a literary device that involves intentionally using a word or phrase for effect, 2 or more times in a speech communication or written piece of work. For repetition to exist noticeable, the words or phrases should be repeated inside shut proximity of each other. Repeating the same words or phrases in a literary work of poesy or prose can bring clarity to an thought and/or make it memorable for the reader.

For example, in the statement "What yous own ends up owning you,"own is repeated in two different means. This repetition gives greater clarity to the meaning of the statement as a whole. Consumers oft believe that they have ability over what they larn since they own it. Still, the power of ownership over things is misleading in that often our things take power over usa. What we larn can limit and influence our lives in negative ways, such that our things are owning usa. Therefore, repetition in this statement creates a clear meaning of the concept as well as making information technology memorable for the reader.

Common Examples of Repetition

Many common phrases in conversation and writing contain repetition. Here are some familiar examples of repetition:

  • Time after time
  • Eye to centre
  • Boys will be boys
  • Hand in hand
  • Go gear up; get fix; go
  • Hr to hour
  • Sorry, not distressing
  • Over and over
  • Domicile sugariness home
  • Grinning, grin, grinning at your mind as often every bit possible.
  • Alone, solitary at terminal
  • At present you see me; now you don't
  • Rain, rain get away
  • All for one and one for all
  • It is what it is

Examples of Repetition in Picture Lines

Many of the most famous quotes from movies incorporate repetition as a device. Hither are some examples of repetition in motion-picture show lines:

  • "Hey! I'm walking here! I'm walking hither!" (Midnight Cowboy)
  • "Yous talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Yous talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the simply ane here." (Taxi Driver)
  • "Y'all don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am." (On the Waterfront)
  • "Bond. James Bond." (James Bond films)
  • "Wax on. Wax off." (The Karate Kid)
  • "You is smart. Y'all is kind. You is important." (The Help)
  • "Stupid is every bit stupid does." (Forrest Gump)
  • "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." (Dorsum to the Futurity)
  • "The commencement dominion of Fight Club is: You lot do not talk about Fight Lodge." (Fight Order)
  • "You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of social club! They're out of order!" (And Justice for All)

Famous Examples of Repetition

Retrieve you haven't heard of any famous examples of repetition? Here are some instances of repetition in famous speeches, writings, and quotations:

  • Ashes To Ashes, dust to dust (English language Volume of Common Prayer)
  • The deplorable truth is that the truth is sad. (Lemony Snicket)
  • The horror! The horror! (Heart of Darkness)
  • And the Raven, never flitting, all the same is sitting, still is sitting (The Raven)
  • And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth (Gettysburg Address)
  • O Captain! my Captain! (O Helm! My Captain!)
  • Retrieve and wonder, wonder and think (Dr. Seuss)
  • Water, water everywhere, / Nor any drop to drink (The Rime of the Aboriginal Mariner)
  • Words, words, words ( Village )

Differences Betwixt Repetition of Sounds

In improver to using repeating words and phrases as a literary device, writers may use repetition of sounds every bit well. Overall, the repetition of sound can provide rhythm, pacing, and musicality to a piece of work of poetry or prose. These types of repeated sounds are consonance, assonance, and alliteration.

Consonance is the repetition of a consonant sound in a group of words, such as there is little butter in the bottle. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds, such asthis lake takes the cake.Alliteration is the repetition of a sound in the initial letter of a group of words, such as selling sails is somewhat silly.

Though repetitions of sounds are also effective literary devices, in general, the literary term repetition refers to the intentional utilize of recurring words and phrases in poetry or prose. However, in a wide sense, repetition equally a literary device includes repeating sounds through consonance, assonance, and alliteration too.

Writing Repetition

Repetition, as a literary device, functions as a means of reinforcing a concept, thought, or idea for a reader by repeating certain words or phrases. Writers that utilize repetition telephone call attention to what is beingness repeated. This can generate greater focus on a particular bailiwick and intensify its meaning.

It's essential that writers comport in mind that their audience may experience fatigue if repetition is overused. Equally a literary device, repetition should be used deliberately and not merely for the sake of repeating a give-and-take or phrase. Yet, when used properly, repetition tin can be an influential device in writing.

Here are some ways that writers benefit from incorporating repetition into their work:

Sense of Rhythm

Repetition of sounds, words, or phrases allows for a sense of rhythm in a literary work. This is particularly effective when it comes to poetry and speeches. Rhythm affects the pacing and musicality of wording and phrasing. Therefore, repetition creates a sense of rhythm that can change the experience a reader and/or listener has with a literary work.

Create Emphasis

Repeating a word or phrase in a work of poetry or prose calls attention to it on behalf of the reader. This creates emphasis by highlighting the importance of the give-and-take or phrase. Therefore, the reader is more likely to consider the meaning of the word or phrase in a deeper way. Additionally, such emphasis on a concept, a thought, or an idea can be persuasive on behalf of the reader by underscoring its significance.

Purpose of Repetition in Literature

As far every bit the purpose of repetition in literature is concerned, information technology has three specific functions that the writers and poets have in their minds when they utilise repetitions.

  1. The first ane is the stress upon some signal so that it could reach its intended audiences.
  2. The second is to create intended impacts on the audiences by repeating the aforementioned phrase such as "I take a dream" in the voice communication of the same championship by Martin Luther Male monarch. This repetition also serves the purpose of persuading the audition or readers.
  3. The 3rd is to utilize repetition for melody and rhythm. It happens mostly in poetry though some prose writers such as Charles Dickens have used repetitions in prose for rhythm.

Employ of Repetition in Sentences

  1. I have talked to all and talked in full that they would have to practice their work on time.
  2. Virtually of the fourth dimension and I say most of the fourth dimension which ways the maximum time you lot should spend on your studies.
  3. Whether you take it literally or you take information technology seriously or any you take it non-seriously, it is necessary to stop driving at this moment.
  4. Sometimes birds fly abroad and wing away and so fast and so suddenly that it surprises the people.
  5. Whether you exit this place or leave that place, the of import point is you lot must leave correct at present.

Examples of Repetition in Literature

Repetition is a commonly used literary device. Here are some examples of repetition and how it adds to the value of well-known literary works:

Case 1: Macbeth (William Shakespeare)

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this trivial pace from day to solar day,
To the concluding syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.

In this Shakespearean soliloquy, Macbeth is lamenting the death of his married woman and repeats the word "tomorrow" three times. Macbeth's repetition of this word calls attending to the fact that his wife no longer has whatsoever tomorrow, and that the tomorrows Macbeth has remaining will be a repetition of life without her.

The rhythm established by the repetition of tomorrow as well serves to highlight a sense of futility and mundanity in a word that typically connotes the expectation of alter or something new. Instead, the repetition of the word renders it meaningless and without the promise of hope. Therefore, merely equally Macbeth has accumulated nada in the play, his accumulation of tomorrows also represents null.

 Example 2: A Domestic dog Has Died (Pablo Neruda; translated by Alfred Yankauer)

My dog has died.
I cached him in the garden
next to a rusted old car.
Some day I'll bring together him correct in that location,
but now he'south gone with his shaggy glaze,
his bad manners and his cold nose,
and I, the materialist, who never believed
in any promised heaven in the sky
for any human being,
I believe in a heaven I'll never enter.
Yeah, I believe in a heaven for all dogdom
where my dog waits for my arrival

waving his fan-like tail in friendship.

In this verse form, Neruda uses repetition of the word "sky," both as a place and a concept. This demonstrates the grief the poet feels for how decease has separated him from the friendship of his domestic dog. This is an interesting utilize of repetition every bit a literary device in that information technology is the separation of the poet from his canis familiaris through decease that is emphasized, more than than the domestic dog's actual death.

Neruda achieves this through the poet stating that he does not believe in a heaven for humans, only he does believe in a heaven for dogs. The fact that the poet will "never enter" this heaven for "dogdom" indicates his realization that the canis familiaris's death means a permanent separation of their friendship. Through this repetition of heaven as a concept for dogs but non humans, the reader gains an fifty-fifty greater sense of the grief the poet must exist experiencing. The prototype of the canis familiaris waiting for his human'south arrival in heaven is therefore even more heartbreaking.

The simply mode the poet can "bring together" his dog over again is by dying and beingness cached in the same garden. However, this juxtaposition in burial is equally meaningless as the "rusted one-time auto" next to them; information technology represents earthly decay rather than the promised afterlife of heaven and togetherness.

Instance 3: The Ballad of the Deplorable Cafe (Carson McCullers)

Only the hearts of small children are delicate organs. A cruel get-go in this globe can twist them into curious shapes. The center of a hurt child tin can shrink and so that forever subsequently information technology is difficult and pitted as the seed of a peach. Or over again, the heart of such a child may fester and swell until it is a misery to carry within the body, easily chafed and hurt by the most ordinary things.

In this passage, McCullers repeats the words "heart" and "child." This repetition is an constructive literary device in that it reinforces for the reader that the heart is both impressionable and vulnerable in children, just as a child is impressionable and vulnerable likewise. By linking and repeating these words, McCullers provides clarity for readers that what is done to a child will affect their heart, and therefore bear upon their chapters for love and emotion for the remainder of their lives. Through repetition, McCullers conveys to the reader that the centre equally an "organ" and a kid are subject to the same pain and lasting consequences.

Synonyms of Repetition

There are several words that come very shut to repetition in meanings such as reiteration, repeat, repeating, restatement, rephrasing, retelling, iteration, recital, recap, reprise, repeat, echoing, copy, copying, and quoting.



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