How Much Do Pensioners Pay for Car Registration

Charitable organisations concession

There are two rates of concession offered to charitable organisations.

100% rate

Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes
Be used for one or more of the following:
  • Transporting community members for medical treatment, counselling, outings, housing, for employment purposes and other similar purposes.
  • Used by staff for travel to various locations to provide direct services to community members such as, medical check-ups, nursing, maintenance and household assistance.
  • Delivering food, goods, materials and medical supplies to community members.
  • Carrying donated food and goods to a depot prior to delivery to community members.
  • Providing environmental and catchment management; and/or delivering training and employment programs (non-Group Training organisations only).
100% exemption from vehicle licence fee and vehicle licence duty Vehicle must be licensed in the name of an Australian Public Company currently registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), appear on the ACNC Register, and be endorsed as a �public benevolent institution� (PBI) or a �charitable institution.

There is no limit to the number of vehicles or trailers that an owner may have licensed with this concession.

This concession is only available for light vehicles (not greater than 4.5 tonnes).

Vehicles are not eligible for this concession if:

  • Purchased or licensed by an organisation or individual, and provided for use by a charitable organisation;
  • Used by the charitable organisations staff for private purposes;
  • It forms part of an employment remuneration package;
  • Used for commercial purposes (hire or reward, including the carriage of passengers or load);
  • Used by a Minister of Religion for pastoral or community purposes.

Applicants must complete an Application for 100% Concession Charitable Organisations (E58) form in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, DoT regional office or DVS agent or by email to

Where the organisation has not previously applied for or been granted this concession on a vehicle, the following documentation must be supplied:

  • a copy of the organisation�s constitution;
  • documentation from the ACNC providing evidence that the organisation is registered as a charity; and
  • evidence that the organisation is a legal entity - e.g. incorporated body (Certificate of Incorporation), Australian company (ACN#).

50% Rate

Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes
Be bus type only. 50% on vehicle licence charges only

Vehicle must be licensed in the name of a private school or college that is currently registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), appears on the ACNC Register and is endorsed as a �public benevolent institution� (PBI) or a �charitable institution.

All buses must be inspected at the time of licensing and inspected annually thereafter.

There is no limit to the number of vehicles an eligible organisation can have licensed with this concession at any one time.

Vehicles are not eligible for this concession if:

  • They are purchased or licensed by an organisation or individual, and provided to a Charitable Organisation for their use.
  • They are other vehicle body types (i.e. sedans, utilities etc.).
  • They are used for private or personal use, hire, or sub-lease.

Applicants must submit a letter of application on the organisation�s letterhead stating the vehicle use, garaging address and whether or not the vehicle is a replacement for another, in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, DoT regional office or DVS agent or by email to

Specific occupation concessions

Minister of Religion Concession

Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes

Have a gross vehicle mass (GVM) not exceeding 4,500 kg; and be in the name of an individual only (not in a company name or church).

100% exemption from vehicle licence fee and vehicle licence duty Applicant must be:
  • Registered with the Attorney-General's Department to conduct marriage and funeral services, and
  • Qualified to perform all religious rites of a church, and
  • Engaged solely in performing parish or pastoral duties of the church; and
  • Registered with the Attorney-General's Department prior to the purchase date of the vehicle; and the registration must have been issued either federally or in WA (represented respectively by the prefix �A� or �W� on the Attorney- General�s letter of approval).

The concession is limited to one vehicle owned by an ordained member of the Ministry only.

Marriage or funeral celebrants and other individuals who are not ordained and not engaged exclusively in performing parish or pastoral duties are not eligible for this concession.

Applicants must complete Minister of Religion Concession Application (E37) form and a �Letter of Certification� from the Attorney General�s Department or an ID card with a registration number on it, in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, regional Department of Transport (DoT) office or agent, or by email to


Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes

Be used exclusively or principally relating to beekeeping.

50% reduction on vehicle licence fee. Applicants must:
  • Be a beekeeper, whose main source of income is derived from the farming of bees;
  • Be issued with a Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development licence number; and
  • Provide their beekeeper licence number, expiry date, and number of hives.

Concession is available where the vehicle is licensed in the name of a person, public body, company, or association or body of persons, corporate or unincorporated.

There is no limit to the number of vehicles or trailers that an owner may have licensed with this concession, subject to meeting the criteria.

Vehicles licensed in the name of a beekeeper that are not used exclusively or principally relating to beekeeping are not eligible for the concession

 Kangaroo hunter

Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes

Be used exclusively or principally relating to kangaroo hunting.

50% reduction on vehicle licence fee. Applicant must:
  • be a kangaroo hunter, whose main income is derived from hunting kangaroos; and
  • be a full-time kangaroo hunter, licensed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions (Parks and Wildlife Service); and
  • provide copy of professional kangaroo shooters licence issued by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions.

Concession is available where the vehicle is licensed in the name of a person, public body, company, or association or body of persons, corporate or unincorporated.

There is no limit to the number of eligible vehicles an eligible applicant can have licensed with this concession at any one time.

Vehicles licensed in the name of a kangaroo hunter that are not used exclusively or principally relating to kangaroo hunting are not eligible for this concession.


Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes

Be used exclusively or principally relating to prospecting.

50% reduction on vehicle licence fee. Applicants must:
  • Be a genuine prospector or; a person (other than a company as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) who searches for or produces metals or minerals from land in which the person holds an interest;
  • Derive an income from the business of prospecting;
  • Hold a Miner�s Right Number, issued by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety; and
  • Provide miner's right number issued by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

There is no limit to the number of eligible vehicles an eligible applicant can have licensed with this concession at any one time.

Vehicles licensed in the name of a prospector that are not used exclusively or principally relating to prospecting are not eligible for this concession.

 Sandalwood pullers

Vehicle must: Rate Conditions Notes

Be used exclusively or principally relating to pulling sandalwood.

50% reduction on vehicle licence fee. Applicants must:
  • Be a sandalwood puller, whose main income is derived from the pulling of sandalwood;
  • Be licensed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Parks and Wildlife Service); and
  • Provide copy of licence issued by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions.

Concession is available where the vehicle is licensed in the name of a person, public body, company, or association
or body of persons, corporate or unincorporated.

There is no limit to the number of eligible vehicles an eligible applicant can have licensed with this concession at any one time.

Vehicles licensed in the name of a sandalwood puller that are not used exclusively or principally relating to sandalwood pulling are not eligible for this concession.

How to apply for a specific occupation concession

To apply for a new concession on a vehicle used in connection with your occupation, please complete the relevant form below and lodge it at a Driver and Vehicle Services Centre or regional Agent.

If you already hold a vehicle licence fee concession on a vehicle, your future renewal reminders will be calculated and issued with the fee concession stated on the renewal notice.

LBU_F_VL_C_E37_ministerreligion.pdf icon Minister of religion: Vehicle licence concession application (Form E37) Kb
LBU_F_VL_C_OccupationalVehicle.pdf icon Occupational vehicle licence concession application (Form E66) Kb

How Much Do Pensioners Pay for Car Registration


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